A review by cadiva
Make Me Trust by T.A. McKay


Okay not sure why I didn't do an actual review for this one but fecking hell Trey and Roman were hot!

I felt so bad for poor Trey after all the crap of his previous relationships, specially after Bryce (from book one of this series) but when he found Romeo/Roman it was obvious that they'd discovered their soulmate.

I liked the dilemma of Roman's double life as dancer and paralegal, I liked Trey's conflict of not wanting to be involved with a colleague.

I didn't like the annoying typos which littered the book but that seems to be a thing in MM romances atm and it probably irritates me more as I was a journalist/sub-editor for almost 20 years so they stick out like sore thumbs.

Still, this series has proved to be a really enjoyable read for me so far and I hope it continues.