A review by jaime_of_gryffindor
Siren Queen, by Nghi Vo



The Siren Queen was my first book by Nghi Vo and I found it to be a pretty good read. I don’t typically enjoy historical fiction books, but the all of the fantasy elements of this book certainly helped to keep my attention. This book was incredibly well written and had a diverse group of characters which I found to be quite refreshing. When I first started this book, I thought it had potential, but I struggled to stay interested and I think part of that was just the time period for me since I’m so accustomed to reading books about modern times. But this book did an awesome job at blending historical fiction, magic, and fantasy and the author did a great job of setting the scene and describing the characters and it really helped me to get into this book. Although this book was pretty good, I struggled though it at times and I wouldn’t feel the need to read it again.