A review by julesgou
The Elementals, by Saundra Mitchell


I was totally not ready for that ending. I didn't see that coming.

Here we get to see the effect that the elements have on Zora's and Amelia's children. You see what happens when two people with element powers have children.

I liked Kate and Julian's story. I thought that it was very different from that of their parents. We get to see how they go out and try to make a life for themselves outside of their parents's homes. They try their hand at jobs and even at love.

I hate to say it, but I don't like this ending for the series. It was a good one, and definitely a unique one. However, I can't stop thinking about Amelia and Zora. How they are going to feel about what has happened here. I hate that part. I'm not totally clear about what happened at the end, but I have a good picture.

Overall, it was a good series with a totally what the heck just happened ending. I'll definitely be checking out more of Mitchell's work.