A review by chloereadsforpleasure
Stacey's Mistake by Ann M. Martin


After Staceys dads job transferred him back to NYC after a year of living in Stoney brook Connecticut, Stacey has to leave all her friends and return to her friends in NY. Because of this, she obviously wants to see her Stoney brook friends again, so she invites 4 of her friends, Dawn, Kristy, Maryanne, and Claudia. These friend of hers are also members of a business Kristy had organised called The Baby Sitters Club.

The visit started off with Staceys friends almost getting LOST because they couldn’t find their way to Stacey, but eventually they found each other and went to Hard Rock Cafe to eat which took up most of their time for that day because they had trouble finding their way to find Stacey. After that, I’m pretty sure they just went to shop and Stacey was getting annoyed at them basically the whole visit. Why? Because she was bothered about how Dawn was scared of the city (honestly, she has the right to and i get that), Kristy has a ‘big mouth’ , and Mary Anne was SUPER interested in New York, but Claudia also got jealous of Staceys other friends which bothers Stacey but that hadn’t started yet. They had all got hard rock cafe t-shirts and were super excited about them.

A little later, Staceys New York friends and Stoney brook friends had come over for a PARTY! yay! except “yay” isn’t really the best way to describe the party though because Mary Anne was basically a walking map the whole time, Claudia was fighting with Laine ( Staceys New York best friend ). However, Kristy and Dawn were terrified the WHOLE time. Mary Anne actually talks some trash about Dawn, saying how pathetic it was when Dawn had gotten scared by a mouse earlier. Kristy had gotten a bit mad at Claudia because Kristy had gotten a chance to dance with a boy (?…bit strange that it was a boy) and Claudia had distracted him into dancing with her instead. That was basically all that happened at the party and then Laine and the BSC were going to have a sleepover. Of course, this didn’t end well either because Claudia and Laine were fighting the whole time, Kristy was kind of backing Laine up because she was also mad at Claudia for stealing her dance. Mary Anne and Dawn were also fighting about the whole mouse and trash talk thing.

Stacey had had enough and Laine called her dad to pick her up. The BSC then tried to get some sleep because they had a big day of baby sitting ahead of them. When they all woke up, they decided to make up for all their arguing— especially considering they were gonna have to spend the entire day together in-front of a bunch of kids.

Then, for the whole entire day they were walking a bunch of kids around New York which is basically all that had happened BUT they ended up LOSING a CHILD!! but they found him. After the huge long day, Stacey catches up on some news that Laine and her father had bought tickets for Stacey and her friends to see something in the theatre, Stacey then asks the BSC if they want to go with her and Claudia decides she wanted to try and start over with Laine.

They all go and watch something at the theatre with Laine, and Claudia exchanges phone numbers with her since they had now become good friends. Which makes a nice ending for the book apart from when everyone woke up the next morning to pack and leave.

There was SO many arguments in this one, wow— but i loved the ending. I also didn’t like how it was Staceys POV but i think thats just because i don’t really know if i like Stacey or not. For some reason, Kristy seemed really, REALLY funny in this one and i don’t know why.

3 and a half stars I’d say.