A review by _all_by_my_shelf_
Not My Romeo by Ilsa Madden-Mills


Last month me and my bookclub #bookclubforbeautifulbitches read Not My Romeo!

The synopsis:
We start off with a lie on Valentine’s Day.

My blind date isn’t the studious guy I expected: he’s a drop-dead gorgeous player with sinful amber eyes. Somehow we end up at his penthouse. I blame the gin and tonic.

The next day I learn he’s Jack Hawke—bad-boy professional quarterback with a murky past. The NDA he has me sign should be a warning that he isn’t a regular person. Please. I sign it Juliet Capulet, so goodbye, famous football player with abs of steel, and good luck tracking down this small-town librarian.

But Jack keeps showing up in places I least expect him. Just when I’m sure he’s gone, he waltzes into my community theater and wins the part of Romeo to my Juliet. How’s a plain, mostly innocent girl like me supposed to resist a man like him?

Is Jack my real Romeo…or will this gorgeous football player only break my heart?


The plot:
Not My Romeo was a fun and quick read, but I do have some issues with it. Although it was really well written, the plot seemed a bit unplanned and irregular at times. There were a lot of events thrown in at the same time, and I feel like the focus of the book lay on the wrong events.

The couple:
This couple was honestly really well written, they complimented each other very well. I think it was a good idea to have double POV, so we could understand what was happening in both characters’ heads. There were some communication issues, but there always are in these types of books, I guess. And that’s just a pet peeve of mine, maybe you’d enjoy the frustration lol.
It is very clear that Jack and Elena cared for each other a lot, and that made me really happy. We love to see a healthy relationship once in a while