A review by angrywombat
First Family by Patrick Tilley



Some of this I enjoyed. I liked reading more about the Amtrak Federation. This underground culture is not as "perfect" as Our MC believed in the first book... We get to see more of the First Family's controlling abilities, their lies and trickery - as well as how many "code-breakers" there are.

So Steve (our MC) gets himself sent to the janitorial staff.. then jumps at a chance to get back overland as a "secret agent" and get back to the Mutes.... but things (of course) go wrong.

We also get to meet the "Iron Masters" - a third group of survivors who (for some unknown reason) have chosen to model their society on the Japanese Samurai and the society of that time... This is what really annoyed me. I can understand the Amtrak - military survivors from the US army and how that developed. The Mutes were a stretch, but I can stretch a bit. But why would anyone try to recreate the culture of 17th century japan... Thats just a little too far for me I guess.

I hope there is an explanation... and given that the next book is call "The Iron Masters" I am hoping for something :)

Overall its an OK book - but feels a little too much like filler designed to get our MC out of the Federation and into the Iron Master territory...