A review by silvercole
Dear Ava by Ilsa Madden-Mills


I should start off by saying this book was honestly not what I expected. And not in a good way. We follow our two main characters Knox Grayson and Ava Harris, two high school seniors who can’t stand one another. Ava has her reasons but to me Knox’s reason as to why he disliked Ava was boring. And that’s where this book fell flat for me. Ava hates the Sharks, also known as the popular boys that rule the school, because she suspects that one of them was the one that raped her a year before. Chance, Dane and Knox, the main sharks,hate her all for different reasons. Chance, who was dating Ava the year that she was raped hates her cause he believed Ava was lying and just cheated on him. (eye roll at the slut shaming in this book). Dane hates Ava mostly because she reminds him of his mother, who was also raped and committed suicide. And finally Knox “hates” Ava because she is different from the rest. We find out how much Knox hates Ava when its revealed that he hired a PI to investigate her life, and just find out everything about her cause he was secretly in love with her this whole time. shocking. (yawn)

Like I said before, this book just lacked alot of actual foundation to create a great book. I was more invested in Knox’s brother, Dane. We got to see so many sides to Dane as he struggled with drugs and the death of his mother. I think Madden can write some good characters and make them come to life yet this one just wasn’t for me.
The characters were very well written and the romance was very good, hence the three stars. Although this wasn’t one of my favorite reads of 2020 it was a guilty pleasure of mine. The last chapter of the book was honestly my favorite part of the book because we got to see Knox and Ava being more mature yet still madly in love with one another. Overall it was good, easy read.