A review by cyborgcinderella
Kate and Jesse by Erin Bowman


Vengeance Road is one of my favorite novels so it was nice to return to this world and these characters, even if only for a little while.

Kate’s voice is still one of my favorite voices I’ve ever read in a book. It’s so unique and really immerses you in the story from the start.

I loved getting to see more of Kate and Jesse and to see how they got from the end of Vengeance Road to where they ended up in Retribution Rails. It was nice to see how their story unfolded further and to just spend a little more time with them as a couple.

My only issue with this book is that not much happens in it. It is just a novella, however, so this really didn’t detract from the overall story for me that much.

Overall, I really enjoyed this and would recommend it for fans of Vengeance Road who want to stay immersed in the world as long as possible.