A review by meggyroussel
Nobody's Wife by Laura Pearson


Thank you Agora Books for inviting me to be part of this fabulous blog tour!

Laura Pearson ripped my heart out, threw it on the pavement, stomped on it, and then handed me gloves and Scotch tape to try and mend it.

I had been tremendously impressed by Missing Pieces, therefore my expectations were high when I opened Nobody’s Wife. There’s something grey, gloomy, and terribly sad in this title, and this mix makes it so appealing. I couldn’t resist. I did not want to resist.

Enter Emily, Josephine, Michael, and Jack. Four people, four hearts, four lives. What happens when the ones closest to you cross an invisible line?

I am an only child. I immediately envied Emily and Josephine’s relationship. Their bond felt unbreakable and their love powerful, enabling them to overcome any hardship coming their way. They were a real ‘us against the world’ item, even with the addition of Michael and his marriage to Emily. He somehow fitted into the picture, understanding the women’s indelible link. But the balance is thrown when Jack appears. At least, this is what you’re supposed to think.

Laura Pearson knows how complex people are and she plays with our flaws, our dreams, and the emotions that make us who we are. Emily’s wedding looked perfect. Only a bird’s eye could have caught the first clues… I adored how hints were subtly scattered, offering Nobody’s Wife a familiar authenticity. It went on throughout the entire novel. No black, no white. Just a long and intense line of grey on which the characters must walk to find their way. But to be a tightrope-walker and stay up there, choices must be made.

When life changes and Michael and Emily move into the girls’ family home, leaving Josephine on her own for the first time, the latter doesn’t know how to react. But soon, she finds herself swept away by the handsome Jack, and it looks like her own life could take on a nice turn.

Do we believe life is as simple as this? Of course not!

Under Laura Pearson’s quill, this small world starts dancing, orbiting around the sisters, tracing beautiful and painful circles that will change their lives. We think we are in command of our days, of our feelings, but we are just lying to ourselves. The author takes on the role of the angel and the devil, exposing the darkest of thoughts, the urges that we can’t control, and the aftermath of our mistakes. I truly appreciated that Nobody’s Wife is not pointing fingers. The book only shows you the worst scenario that no one could have predicted. Conflicting emotions live between the pages, exploring the ‘what if’s and the risks of crushing a family in the name of love. I was overwhelmed by the raw and emotional journey.

Did I like all characters? No. But they all played their parts. I never warmed to Jack, finding him too secretive, a bit manipulative, and playing on both sides as if he couldn’t, or wouldn’t be left with a prize, even if it wasn’t the one he was hoping for. Despite her choices, I was able to understand Emily and I kept wondering about settling for second best, or chasing the wild, pure dream songs talk about.

With such a brilliant and heavily-emotional novel of love and betrayal, characterization must be perfect. Nobody’s Wife makes it happen. Laura Pearson offers a wonderfully addictive tale of family making us think about our lives, expectations, and what the future holds. Can we be happy without sacrificing others’ happiness?