A review by elementarymydear
The Scandalous Confessions of Lydia Bennet, Witch by Melinda Taub


I was really looking forward to this read, and I was so gutted that it didn’t quite live up to expectations!

There are plenty of things to like. The Pride and Prejudice characters and plot are used in an entertaining way, with lots of fun twists on the story we know and love. Georgiana Darcy has a much bigger role, which is always a win in my eyes! And I liked how British folklore, as well as folklore from other cultures, were brought into the magical elements.


As for the plot, I think there was just too much of it. There were so many different storylines going on, in different timelines, and then all of it was stuck on top of the already layered P&P plot. The story felt quite cluttered, and when we found out why we’d gone through so much backstory, it wasn’t even necessary in-world.

Combined with the writing style, the story became a bit of a chore to follow. The book was written from Lydia’s perspective, and although we’re told she’s writing a letter to someone, it reads more like a constant stream of consciousness. We flit from one timeline to another, bouncing around the story, often getting quite muddled. It was also written in a sort of quasi-period style, and while this did improve as the book went on, at the start it was sometimes nonsensical.

There were some really enjoyable aspects to this book, but ultimately I left disappointed.

I received a free copy for review. All opinions are my own.