A review by mishale1
The Confabulist by Steven Galloway


What an interesting, unique story. I can't resist a story with Houdini in it and I lucked out and found this book at a Dollar Store.

This story is about Martin. He has just been told by his doctor that he has an issue that will confuse his memories. Martin will remember things that didn't happen and feel as though they are his actual memories. How sad!

The book goes between stories, chapters alternate about Houdini and Martin.
Some of the book takes place in the 1920's, some an undefined year called "the present day".
I started to wonder early on, was Martin Houdini? Did Martin even know Houdini? When you can't believe the narrator's memories, you have to question everything.

This was a well written book that I tore through in about 24 hours.