A review by shannonlovesbooksandreading
Blistered by Deidre Huesmann


What a very interesting and entertaining story. At first I felt like this was book 2 and I was missing something but as the story progressed things were explained and I became less confused. I still have questions that need to be answered so I am hoping book 2 will do that for me. This was my first book by Huesmann and I really enjoyed the world she has written about. I am looking forward to reading the next story in this series, Priestess, with the hopes that my questions will be answered.
Our story begins with Azalee who is known as the Blistered Child. She has been imprisoned underground because the sun literally burns her skin right off her body. She has come to accept her life in the underground prison until one day Joel shows up to “rescue her”. They then begin the adventure to return to Mykonos, where they believe Azalee came from and can live safely. On their way they meet Niribelle, who has been sent to assist them in their journey. Niribelle is a strange and confusing girl. I’m not sure if she is causing trouble or is just socially awkward. The meet others on their way who seem insignificant at the time but we find out later they may be very important players in this story.
There are different kinds of people in Azalee and Joel’s world, namely the Spinels and Chertz. It is the belief of some in this story that not all people are created equal and each group of people should stay with their own kind.

“There was always a hierarchy. The true Spinels were utterly pure of blood and hailed from renowned families who once languished on the most beautiful islands. Then there were the lesser, those who had made the poor decision to mix their blood with Greeks who possessed paler flesh and darker hair.”

This belief causes mixed feelings in Azalee. As she continues her journey many things she has known becomes questioned.
Huesmann does a great job of keeping us guessing as to what could happen next. Looking forward to the next book .