A review by gabicreads
The Deep End of the Sea by Heather Lyons


Original review at Gabic Reads as part of The Deep End of the Sea Blog Tour.

Heather weaves a creative aspect of the Greek gods in The Deep End of the Sea. There were a lot of little things that were neat and unique (as far as the Greek mythology retellings I've read). Medusa's story was well told and had some unexpected twists. I've was thoroughly surprised with some of the revelations, which is a good thing.

Medusa is slightly naive but also extremely wary towards men. And who wouldn't be after being raped by a man you thought a friend? I liked her best at the end when she gets tough and actually takes a stand for herself. And she took the initiative to learn how to protect herself.

Fangirls, meet your new obsession...I mean book boyfriend. Hermes is adorable. He protects Medusa as best he can. He's also very much in love with her, unbeknownst to her, but known to everybody else. He always had the right thing to say and was just all around sweet.

All the supporting characters were awesome. Aphrodite, Persephone, and Hades were so fun and energetic. I loved how they immediately accepted Medusa because of their love for Hermes. And Granny is freaking awesome!! Every book needs a character like her.

The reason for my 3 star rating is because there wasn't a whole lot of action or even tension build up. It worked for the storyline but I was expecting/hoping for more action. Medusa cried a lot, too. But who am I to judge when she's two thousand years old, has killed multiple people, is the object of obsession for two gods, and has had her life dramatically changed several times.

The Deep End of the Sea is definately one to add to the pile for those of you who enjoy Greek mythology.