A review by mirpanda277
Aurora Burning by Jay Kristoff, Amie Kaufman


The first book of the Aurora Cycle is hard to beat because it was my first dive into the universe. But Aurora Burning still had me at the edge of my seat, with either a smile on my face or tears in my eyes. This book was all action; I was iffy about that at first because I was scared, but what a ride!

The twists ... I figured one (
Spoilerwho had the Weapon
) out a few minutes before 312 did--I'm a little proud about it; others I didn't see coming, and they're cool, but I'm not floored or embarrassed by not thinking of them (
Spoilerparent reveals for Scarlett, Tyler, and Kal
). One last spoiler thought to note:
SpoilerI CANNOT empathize with 312 on their feelings of betrayal toward Kal. Sure, hurt and something like betrayal is valid, but really?! Y'all are gonna pull the "I don't know you anymore" crap because the terribly silent and stoic guy didn't share that terrible, personal information with y'all?! I get Aurora's pain a little bit more, but I think she was (and of course the writers were) looking for a reason to cut him out. So whatever. I get the job needed to get done. But I also didn't doubt Kal's loyalties for one second.