A review by yvo_about_books
Angelfall, by Susan Ee


Finished reading: May 11th 2015
Rating 5

“My friends call me Wrath,” says Raffe. “My enemies call me Please Have Mercy. What’s your name, soldier boy?”


This series has been on my TBR for a few months now, and with all the hype around the third book I thought it was about time to finally start reading it. Angelfall didn't disappoint. Actually, I almost slapped myself in the face for not getting to this series earlier! This first book of the Penryn & The End Of Days series is simply awesome and almost left me without words... Or more precisely said: fangirling all over the place. The worldbuilding, characters, prose... Everything works just perfectly together and Penryn and Raffe will go straight to the list of my all-time favorite main characters. A dystopian world where angels are actually the bad guys; one being different from the rest after his wings are cut? Check. A kickass female heroine who is not afraid to say what she thinks and has great survival skills? Check. Two different missions that will lead both characters to the same destination and will force them to work together? Check. All ingredients that makes this novel by Susan Ee full of awesomeness and definitely recommended to fans of the YA fantasy genre. Ok, I promise to stop fangirling now. :D


Six weeks ago, the angels destroyed the world as people knew it... The human race is now struggling to survive in this apocalyptic world full of chaos. Violent street gangs, savage angels, lack of food... Things sure aren't easy. Penryn has a hard time taking care of her crazy mother and handicapped sister, but is determined to keep them safe at all cost. When angels end up flying away with her helpless sister, Penryn will do anything to get her back... Even if that means helping a wounded angel in the progress.

Penryn is able to save the angel who just got his wings cut off by another angel during battle. She is trying to use him to find out where they took her sister, but the angel (Raffe) is not really cooperative. Somehow, they end up together anyway as they need each other to get what they want. Raffe is looking for revenge and wants his wings back, while Penryn wants to save her sister before it's too late... But will they able to reach their destination on time and get what they want?


Angelfall was so good that I just had to read the sequel World After straight after I finished it. I first tried to stick to my read-a-thon TBR, but I just couldn't help myself in the end. I fell in love with the world Susan Ee created with this series and I can say the same for the main characters Raffe And Penryn. Another bonus: no love triangle! Add a brilliant prose and fast pace and you have the mix for a perfect YA fantasy novel... And a series I will probably end up rereading in the future.

P.S. Find more of my reviews here.