A review by assaphmehr
Seeker's Mask by P.C. Hodgell


I've recently decided to re-read this excellent epic fantasy cycle, and review as I go.

What to Expect

The story continues from where Dark of the Moon left off. Hodgell is continuing to explore the Kencyrath culture and world, this time focusing on the Women's World within it and the Riverland valley that they occupy.

This time, the story again focuses on Jame, while Tori (her twin, who took half the previous book) is relegated to brief interludes in the narrative. As often happens in epic fantasy, there is a slow beginning and accumulating clues, as the plot progresses towards realisation and mythic confrontations. As with the previous books, there are open questions leading to the sequels - the cycle is far from over.

What I liked

Hodgell's story-telling and world-building are top-notch, her story pacing is excellent, and she balances light and dark themes perfectly. We learn more about Jame's past, about the complex politics of her people, and about the supernatural powers that inhabit her world. I absolutely love the mythic feel of the supernatural world and competing powers, between the old-world native powers and the Kencyrath own.

What to be aware of

The story builds up on the previous volume. While referenced events are explained in short, it always helps to read in order. Do start with God Stalk.

The opening reflects Jame being trapped in the Women's World of her people. A lot of the story is told from other points of view, and reflects the frustration of Jame being muzzled. Some of this frustration naturally leaks to the reader, but it does get better after the first part, once Jame gets proactive again.

Torisen needs a swift kick up his back side (perhaps the reason he was relegated to the interludes), and one hopes the event in this volume provide it.


A highly recommended series. This is epic fantasy done right, with perfect balance of light and dark, and excellent, slowly-building pacing. If you love fantasy, I strongly suggest you add it to your TBR pile.
[a:Assaph Mehr|14422472|Assaph Mehr|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1518065419p2/14422472.jpg], author of [b:Murder In Absentia|29500700|Murder In Absentia (Felix the Fox, #1)|Assaph Mehr|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1457914061s/29500700.jpg|46845657]: A story of Togas, Daggers, and Magic - for lovers of Ancient Rome, Murder Mysteries, and Urban Fantasy.