A review by misslover
Fixed on You by Laurelin Paige



That's about the best word that comes to mind after I read this book. I have to admit, I jumped right to the second book before I reviewed this one, but I'm going to try and not let the information I know from the second, change my opinion of this one.

Hudson. Sweet baby jesus. I have to be honest, I really did not like him at first. He felt like the same over baring, rich, dominating hot guy that is in almost every erotic novel these days, but his whole back ground story actually changed things up a bit. Who am I kidding?! He's freaking sexy as hell even if he's a psycho. Which was the kicker for this story.

Que hot, fucked up male who can't love and beautiful, damsel in distress who loves way too much. That brings "opposites attract" to a whole new level!

These two drove me crazy. Both amazing crazy, and wanna rip my hair out crazy, but something about them kept me wanting more.

I'm very happy I came across this trilogy. It's sexy, dramatic and like I said at the very beginning....yummy :)