A review by rainjrop
P.S. I Spook You by S.E. Harmon


It's not that this was terribly written or that the mystery and paranormal aspects were awful. What it boils down to is that I didn't vibe with the characters. Rain was okay. I didn't love him, but I didn't absolutely detest him either. I don't think I could get a great read on Danny. He didn't feel as real to me. Their contentious relationship just...didn't work for me. Maybe it was that it was too real? Too bittersweet? Not enough romance? Whatever it was, I wasn't into it. And that's because I read romance novels as a form of escapism. When real life problems butt in too hard, they ruin it.

The jokey casual style of Rain's narration didn't help my enjoyment, though I've definitely suffered through worse.

Both men's weirdly casual approach to police work and abusing witnesses also hit a wrong note for me, particularly in our current time of mass protests against police brutality. It makes it difficult to want to root for renegade cop types. And I guess this is the type of media that helps glamorize the use of excessive force and departure from proper procedure. So that's a yikes. Maybe these types of books can't really offer escapism to minorities who have to worry about being murdered by the police for no reason. I mean, shit, Google COINTELPRO and the FBI's assassination of a 21-year-old Black Panther activist in the 1960s. Uh, feels a little weird rooting for the FBI guys!

I distinctly remember looking down at my progress, so I can tell you this turned into a hate read at exactly 30%. The book dragged so miserably I began to wonder when, if ever, I would finish.