A review by wildfaeriecaps
Rise by Jennifer Anne Davis


I was given a copy of this book for the LibraryThing Early Reviewer Program.

At first I found this book to be on the slow side. The story itself was interesting and I really wanted to know what was going to happen, but I just couldn't make myself read large amounts of it in one sitting. Was it me? Was it pacing? I can't say.

Somewhere around halfway (maybe two thirds) through, I found myself thinking about the story constantly. And it got exciting and fun. I could give you my opinions on characters, but that might spoil some things - let's just say I'm invested in the outcome of this love triangle (pyramid?) and would like to see one or two characters get their butts kicked in a serious way.

Anyway! End result - this book was great! I really want the second book to be out. Right now. And in my hands. Now. Please.