A review by spinebreaker_101
The River of Silver by S.A. Chakraborty


A perfect novella and a perfect conclusion for this amazing trilogy. If there was to be another, it would be great to see more of Duriya and Rustam’s story or Dara, Zaynab and Aqisa’s hunt for the ifrit.

Forever in love with the world of Daevabad and its occupants, and I am equally DAEVAstated that this really is the end of the journey for these books. Honestly, Shannon Chakraborty could publish her shopping list and I would gobble that shit up. I’d buy 5 copies at least, in fact.

Complex politics ✅
Great characters + character development ✅
Great writing ✅
Awesome setting ✅
Engaging plot ✅
Truly one of a kind ✅

This is one of those rare instances where a book (or in this case a trilogy) will stay with you for life