A review by mariahaskins
The Gates of Hell by Michael Livingston


I loved Livingston's first book in this trilogy-to-be, The Shards of Heaven, and this sequel does not disappoint. It's fast-paced, populated by complex and vividly drawn characters, and the world is alive with historical details and beautifully described locations. There are also some major surprises in store. Not to give away too much, but the final couple of chapters really had my jaw dropping. I kind of thought I knew what direction this second book was taking, but there were some... developments with the shards I had not expected. All I'll say is that a) the story takes a rather dark turn, and b) I can't wait to read the third and final installment!

Favourite characters this time around were Selene and Juba, but also Octavian. There are some complex dynamics at play in their relationship that really added to the action and suspense. Also, the shards themselves are almost like characters in the story: each one seems to have its own personality...something I found fascinating. Definitely an alt-history series well worth reading for fans of the genre, and for those who like historical fiction.