A review by peregrineace
The Voice by Anne Bishop


Ironically, I actually liked this novella better than the novel is preceded. This short story is a prequel to Bridge of Dreams, the third book in Anne Bishop's Ephemera series. It can be read before that book with no misunderstandings and no spoilers for its plot. It's much more characteristic of her excellent writing than the novel is.

The story takes place in a village about two days' ride outside of Vision (the locale in Bridge of Dreams). It follows the story of a young woman, Nalah, and her two friends who discover that all is not as idyllic as it seems in their town. When Nalah discovers that she can no longer abide with the horrible truth, she takes actions that will affect more than her life. The whole story is actually vaguely reminiscent of Ursula LeGuin's classic Those Who Walk Away from Omelas and I suspect that, like me, others who have appreciated that story will appreciate this one as well.

The story itself is less than 50 pages but Bishop's characters shine in this tightened format. Readers of Bridge of Dreams will recognize Nalah and Kobrah as tertiary and secondary characters, respectively, from that book. Bishop's ability to mix light and dark themes in one culture also shines through here. On some level, I would have liked to learn more about The Voice's personality but part of me knows that her blank-slate nature works better for the story.

Definitely recommended as supplemental reading for fantasy short story and [a:Anne Bishop|26897|Anne Bishop|http://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1237258217p2/26897.jpg] fans, even those who did not enjoy the Ephemera series.