A review by calistareads
I Am an American: The Wong Kim Ark Story by Martha Brockenbrough, Grace Lin


Once again, a children's book teaches me something about American history I never knew.

The story is set in San Francisco before the turn of the 1900s. This story is about Wong Kim Ark and what it means to be an American. The story is suitable for children and easy to understand and it's great for people like me who still have a lot to learn about our countries history.

I believe the one thing that makes an American, an American, is our mutual belief in Freedom. According to the law, it's being born on our soil. We have so many differences, our one thing to bring us all together is that belief in Freedom. My grandmother and I argued about this for many years while she was alive. She believe that is was religion that should bring us all together. Religion is divisive and everyone believes different things. We have as much right from religion as too it. It can't be the thing to unite us.

What is the statistic, something like 30% of the nation doesn't believe in anything or something. Don't trust that, I didn't look it up. anyway. Religion can't unify a people on a national level like ours. It can't be how we look, we are the great melting pot. Having freedom, we can choose to make any kind of culture we want. No, the only thing that we all have together is that belief in Freedom. Neither myself or my grandmother could convince the other. Anyway.

This is a great book about an amazing person. He was an American and he fought for it and thankfully, Wong Kim Ark won and is an American with descendants still Americans living in this country.

Honestly, it's not easy being a melting pot. There's all those violent bubbles. Still, I believe it's better and stronger to have all that diversity. It makes a better stew.

Thank you for the 14th Amendment. Thank you to the judges ruling for this case.