A review by a_potter_nerd
Beginning's End by M. Dalto


I received this as an eARC to read for free in exchange for my honest review. Thank you to The Parliament House and M. Dalto for giving me access.

Ahhh finally I am back in the Empire!! I feel like I have waited an eternity for this day!

While reading I had so many emotions! Anger, shock, happiness, sadness, WTF JUST HAPPENED - yes, that is an emotion.

So many secret and lies have been spun, that I don't know who to believe anymore! Is Reylor truly to blame? How about Razen? Is Lexan trying to be good or is it all for show? I need answers and I NEED THEM NOW!

I am also at a point that I am not sure if Sarayna is being an entitled brat or if her feelings a 100% valid. There were definitely some moments I wanted to slap her and tell her to get over herself.

Ok, I am off my soap box.

This was truly a wonderful edition to the saga. There was so much character growth and a lot of secrets revealed. M. Dalto has an amazing way of keeping you on the edge of your seat and always guessing to what will happen next. I cannot wait for the next installment!