A review by bcantread
The Sacrifice Box by Martin Stewart


There were good things about this book. There were bad things.

The characters and characterization where particularly well done. The author writes with a strong, if not distinct, voice. It's descriptive and gory in a way not many YA horror novels approach. The friend group dynamic in this novel is a good time to watch interact.

The Sacrifice Box really just comes off a a dumb, but fun 80's horror movie turned into a novel. It's very summertime mood. That's the overall vibe. The plot isn't too thought out though, so if you're looking for deep, you won't find it here. There is no lore behind the box, which brings frustrations plot wise as the reader keeps wondering why things are happening, but never truly receives an answer. It's also not particularly well written, but The Sacrifice Box is interesting, enough to keep the reader hooked and wanting more until the end.

Overall. if you're looking for some dumb YA horror set in the 80's with PG13 "It" vibes, this is the book for you. The Sacrifice Box really does feel like a badly written 80's movie, but you can have a great time with this book if you turn off your brain.