A review by themaxdog
Puck: (A Twisted Lit Novel) by Kim Askew, Amy Helmes


Full review now up on the blog: https://www.thewritinggreyhound.co.uk/2019/06/book-review-puck-kim-askew.html

Puck is a modernised story which takes a great deal of inspiration from the classic Shakespeare play A Midsummer Night's Dream. If you are familiar with AMSN then a lot of the characters and scenarios will be familiar to you, but even if you are reading Puck as a standalone I believe it would still be a good story.

Although the main character, the eponymous Puck, may seem like your standard whiny, self-entitled teenager at first, as the story progresses and you learn more about her, it quickly becomes clear that this isn't the case. All the young people at DreamRoads, Puck included, have a pretty complex past, and each campmates' story slowly gets revealed throughout the book.

I did feel that the story was a little repetitive at times, but towards the end, the pace picked up and the story came to a satisfying end. Similarly, although this is a Young Adult story, it does not feel limited by its audience and, despite the fact that it is told from Puck, a teenager's, point of view, I feel that people of all ages could enjoy the book.

I enjoyed this book and I am tempted to check out some of the other books in the Twisted Lit series next!