A review by kieranlit
The Midnight Twins by Jacquelyn Mitchard


Oh my GOSH this was FABULOUS! I could not put it down. I'm talking leave off all other books, read during breakfast, read while cycling, read on the ten-minute drive to your friend's house, stay up till 11 reading and then put it down so you can get up in the morning. This is a one-more-minute-please kind of book. (Please read to the end before deciding to read it.)
Having gotten my enthusiasm out of the way, I would like to point out that it is definitely not a kid book. The main plot was about a psychopath who kills dogs and rapes girls, and there is swearing. Srsly not for kids, more of an adult book.
However, Merry and Mally's telepathy is fascinating. I very nearly said "laybite" earlier today (part of their twin language.)


One thing I did have a problem with was the crisis and the end. I thought since most of the story revolves around their twin connection, they should have literally been there together, not just Merry. It made Mally seem less important. I thought David should have caught Merry alone and Mally should have heard her and run off the field and they should have faced him together. The way it is, Merry even says, "You know, Mallory? You're so tough. But you weren't here. You didn't heat the disgusting things he said..." And I agreed. It felt like the author was trying to balance that with the way Mally suffered alone with the power at first. But Merry figured out that it was real, and felt what Mally felt. And nothing like David is (hopefully) going to happen to Mally to balance it again. I really didn't think it needed to just be Merry.

All in all, it was very good.