A review by rhinaissance
The White Hotel by D. M. Thomas


What...a book.

This book is odd. ODD. The format is odd, the content is odd, the style is...odd. However, it is compelling, and I just kept wanting to read more to understand. It seems as if there was a lot that I missed on the first pass, but it was such a brutal read that I am not sure I can do it again.

Every time I explained to a friend what was going on in the book, and how it was organized, I was met with a look of confusion, and honestly, fear. I don't blame them!!

I think there are segments of this book that I will read again. But other segments I will work very hard to forget. There are certain segments that I truly wish I could bleach my memory of - so be warned.

ANYWAYS. Read this book at your own risk. It is incredibly interesting, unique, and absorbing, yet also confusing, WEIRD, and at times, frustrating. Definitely something to talk to your friends about. But as you can imagine, I haven't convinced many people to read it along with me.

If you want to talk about it, I am more than interested!