A review by thana0611
Heated Rivalry by Rachel Reid


3.5/ 5 ⭐️‘s - So, I just finished this book, and it was pretty enjoyable! The plot was interesting enough to keep me hooked, and I read it all in one go. But, honestly, it didn't blow me away. There are tons of saucy scenes, maybe a bit too many for my taste, and I felt like the characters didn't really connect enough.

A lot of people seem to love the ending, but it felt super abrupt to me. I was genuinely surprised when my Kindle said I was done – I even thought it might be a glitch!

The writing style wasn’t my favorite. The book has a lot of really short sentences, which made it feel kind of choppy. Plus, it’s written in third person, and I think it would have been way better if we got the story directly from Shane and Ilya’s perspectives.

All in all, it was a cute and fluffy read, but I don't think it’s something I’ll remember much in the future.