A review by ladyyluna
Blood of the Saints by Denver Rose


I wanted to like this book, but I had trouble with many aspects that made the story hard to swallow (no pun intended), and I'm not talking about the kinks. If you want a book for the spice, you'll have no issue with this one. Though I read someone compare it to another book, I can't say I see that strong of a resemblance---
Spoilerthat book being Den of Vipers, which I get it, there's a MMC with a thing for knife play, another MMC who's the "big guy." Still, aside from the characteristics of those characters, I wouldn't do DoV the disservice of the comparison. These characters act like boys most of the time, throwing tantrums.

I also had a hard time with the FMC.
SpoilerAn FBI agent going undercover and asking very obvious questions that sound more like an interview than a subtle conversation to gain information...and even she admitted she was fucking up...but kept doing it. Hmm, yeah, how did you ever make it through Quantico?
The FMC made the story unrealistic at best and annoying at worst. So again, the book has some solid strengths for the spice, but the characters and repetition of certain story aspects (through different POVs) didn't do it for me.

Some important notes that bear mentioning: first, reviews are highly subjective, including mine. My opinion is meant to give an overview of what I saw/felt when I read it. What I see might not be what you see, and what I don't like might be what you enjoy, which is just fine. My advice to anyone looking into a book? Read the premise, and if it interests you enough, give it a chance and form your own opinion.