A review by the_dragonborn_reviewer
Death of Kings by Bernard Cornwell


I think that this installment in the series really marks a significant turning point in where the story will go. As the title suggests, there are some major losses of powerful forces throughout and the end leaves you wondering what is going to happen next and what new challenges could be brought to the table. I will say, parts of the book were a bit slower towards the end and it was a bit of a drag to get through, until it wasn’t of course as Cornwell’s storytelling is quick to regain your attention. One of my favorite parts about this book in particular is the retrospective of Uhtred and Alfred’s relationship and towards the end, it’s really put into perspective how much time has passed since the first book, being that by the end, Uhtred is 45 years old. It’s a really unique feeling when you realize that you’ve been following this character since he was a child and now warriors all across the land know his name. Uhtred of Bebbanburg’s story is not over yet though…