A review by friendshipbravery
Aurora's End by Jay Kristoff, Amie Kaufman


3.7 - Better than the first two, but the ending was a little muddy. Everything in this book was messy, hastily written, but also a little deliberate. There were ends that were just filled in randomly at the end, and I don't like the messiness of the co-author's writing style where they diverge from proper grammar and go completely off the rails. I do like the time-travel arc; they really put Scar and Fin and Zila through a wringer, and to be honest, I'm not sure how Saedii and Tyler work, but whatever. It happened. Tyler lost his edge and now he's kind of cooler now. It gives him more street cred. I actually liked the part where Kal and Auri and papa go into the future and see older Tyler with his daughter, Laeleth, or Lae for short. It shows that Azula (Saedii) does really have a heart. And when papa gives all his power to Auri to help fix with Weapon? That was pretty nice, and it did show that he had a heart. I can see where this all diverges from being an ATLA rewrite but with intergalatic warfare.
The ending however? Ra'haam still living? Wtf what if someone stumbles upon in it in the future and gets infected you losers? Did you not account for that? And Auri loosing her powers? uhhhh (Also Auri doesn't even become Syldrathi lol she's just a normal human girl, so in this case, I don't really now how to feel about this entire situation).
I do like this entire momento to Zila though. Bestie forever. At the end of the book, I got a vision of my group of friends, across many countries and many miles, finally meeting up and seeing each other to drink to our heart's content; and the entire thing, this entire series, is about friendship and finding a family within one's friends. And despite everything that I don't really like about this book, that, they did right by me. So 3.7 stars, for the characters and the core message of this tale. At least they got that right lol, after all the controversy Jay and Amie have incurred rip