A review by amyiw
Fury's Kiss by Karen Chance


Wow, I want to give this a 3 but just can't, it was just OK for me. There were parts that were great but they were few and every time I got to enjoying, I would be thrown into a new idea, action, place, and it would be like starting all over. There is so much going on and thrown all over the place that the wrap up wasn't sufficient.
Spoiler We didn't go back to home to see how Clair takes this or even how the house is.
Almost all the scenes start out confusing and just when you think you are getting your head around it, Bam, you are thrown into another confusing scene, and it would drag, drag, drag, with descriptive details or info dumps, or battle scenes, or histories, there were so many of these I cannot even guess at how many though I can think of at least a 1/2 dozen off the top of my head, maybe 20... really.

The over all story,
Spoiler Fae combining with black circle mages to over power the senate, all with their own agenda
well I think that was the main one but there was a lot of other plot lines going on too, and you don't get to understand that one until the end. So really you don't know where it is heading... ever. Is it her memories, the portals, her other side, the fae?, etc... Yes, in the end they all cross somewhat but it was so painful to get there. But the end story was good but only so and the drag to get there just makes me not able to give this a 3 stars. This story could have been told more cohesively, easily and the writing, for me was painful to the point that I put this down after every 100 pages or so and read some other book, or 2, in between. It took me a month to read a book that I consider to be in one of my favorite worlds, with favorite characters. It pains me to give it 2 stars but for me that is what it deserved. A month to read a book from a favorite... much too much drag.

The good, which is all spoiler worthy
Spoiler Finally Louis Cesare's place as a boyfriend is firmly established. He shows how much he understands her and her other half when he defers to her after insult. Dory learns more about her other 1/2 and finds that there is some compassion to that crazy vampire side. She comes to terms with caring for her father and him caring for her. The council accepts her vampire 1/2 into the fold whether all the others want to or not, they can go suck it. She's got a side kick in Ray, and hey in some messed up world, she is his master. I liked Ray.
And you would think with all the good wrapped up, it would be a 4 or 5. :-( It just wasn't.

My updates showing my disappointment while reading.
--------Updates While Reading------------
15 1/4 of 18 1/2 hours 82% and had to put it down again. Started Kicking It anthology and really liking the first.

Well into 13 hours of 18 1/2 and wish she had cut out a lot of the descriptions. There is so much that's so good then we go into another nod off, either a new plot line that gets over described or a battle (also over described OD from here), or memory travels (OD), confusing relationships (OD). I so want this to be more cohesive because it could be great, great!. The characters and storyline (at least one or two) are so interesting and entrancing but just when she has me again with a twist that is fun, or a scene that shows the characters in great moments, then it goes off in some description or history, explanation, or to a switch over to a new memory scene etc... 5 more hours on and hoping I won't put it down again because it is making it even less cohesive because I have to remember what is going on after reading a book in between.

So since I'm no longer doing updates on progress due to them not fixing the spoilers issue and not being able to edit updates, or even delete them when you find some glaring mistake... I will just put it in my review.

I'm somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2 through this, got the audio from hoopla, which the narrator is pretty good as always. My issue is the story telling info dumps. I start zoning out, like where Ray is explaining what was going on with portals and how he had made them. It seemed to go on forever, then suddenly it was really important to listen because here's why he is with Dory and not with his master... well hell, gotta go back 5-10 minutes and re-listen because I zoned out... again. I think that was the 3rd or 4th time. It is info dump, zing, and then some interaction/action, humor. It is swinging from 5 star great to 3 star barely. And I'm not running back to it ever chance I get to start it up. In fact I've gone to other books to listen and talked myself into going back. I think, wow this is good, why did I stop, and then... Oh, that's why. A lot, of a lot, is happening in this book. It starts out incredible. But then it is over load. I'm overloaded just thinking about it. I'm sure these will interconnect, and of course some is just Dorina and her relationships, Clare, Louis-Cesare, and her father, but... I'm stuck at another info dump and going to Jennifer Ashley's MacKenzies for a bit.