A review by armedwithabook
The Scribbly Man by Terry Goodkind


Warheart was just the right conclusion to the Sword of Truth series - it was complete, with the possibility to evolve more. I am so glad that Terry Goodkind revisited Richard and Kahlan in the Children of D'Hara novella series. I love those two characters so much! The Scribbly Man transpires after the events of Warheart. Richard and Kahlan have taken their rightful place in the D'Hara Empire and now, anybody and everybody from around the world, has come to pay homage to them. Things start to get interesting when a man demands their surrender. Who is he? And who has sent him on this mission?

The Scribbly Man is a quick dive into some of the unforeseen consequences to Richard's actions to save his world in . Engaging, terrifying and mysterious at the same time, the novella takes us back to D'Hara in its full glory, plunging the reader right back into familiar territories, whether it is the formidable Mord-Sith or the amazing People's Palace or the brilliance of the Mother Confessor. I can't wait to read the next one!