A review by gingerereader
The Iron Flower by Laurie Forest


“We don’t get to choose what we are,” she says finally, her voice low. “But we do get to choose who we are.”
Wow. I enjoyed this book so much more. Laurie loves to throw a lot at you and hopes you can catch it. This book specifically has a quick timeline, and at times it frustrated me because it moved very fast. After, finishing it I believe it was needed though. There was a lot that needed to be covered, but a message this book needed to end with. I did struggle at times with how little we got to see of the other characters. It focuses a lot on Elloren in this book. There’s a lot more growth and development for her character. During this time, she’s hopping around from friend to friend and each interaction is short. This book also introduces the lovely love triangle. You’re going to start this book loving one interest and ending it so conflicted. Now I hate love triangles and I am still upset by this because I like both interests, but it’s done well in this book. There is so much going on as war is on the horizon that romance is just a thought here and there. This book is going to anger you, break you, push you, and love you. It’s going to show you a messed up world that you sometimes wonder if you live in slightly. I really enjoyed it this story and I look forward to continuing.
War is possibly on the horizon. Can Elloren stop it? Can she save all of her friends and family if it does come? Will she be forced to fast Lukas Grey? Will she be able to move on from the feelings she has? Dive in and see what awaits Elloren as she finishes out her semester at University?