A review by whatiswhatwas
Far to Go by Alison Pick


I'm not sure what I think of this book, even a few days after I fished.

I was very interested in the historical story itself. I've read a lot of WWII books, but I don't know if I've ever read one that took place in Czechoslovakia right prior to the war. Especially from the POV of a very well off, secular Jewish family. Nor had I ever heard of these kindertransports.

It did fall a bit short in actually providing me with a great deal of description of the greater state of things at the time. For me, it didn't really capture a *mood* at the time. It is very focused on the dramas within this particular family.

The thing I liked least though, was the flipping back and forth between current day and the 1930s. I *hate* this style. I don't know if it's become more popular of late, or if I've just picked up a lot of books lately that use it. I find it ruins the flow of the story for me, and I really disliked the narrative style of the current day. Like she was talking to you, but not to you, to the person that gets fully uncovered by the end.

All of that being said... I still enjoyed this book. It was very interesting, and I think I'd like to search out some books from a similar place and time. I've travelled a lot in these areas, and I find that always adds a bit of context otherwise missing.

Bottom line, I'd recommend it. You probably won't *love* it, but you won't put it down either.