A review by mburnamfink
Fate Accelerated by Amanda Valentine, Mike Olson, Fred Hicks, Leonard Balsera, Clark Valentine


Fate Accelerated is probably the definitive minimally viable universal RPG system. Roll 4dF (special d6s marked with -,0,+), add a bonus from one of six approaches that are basically the classic six stats with more evocative names, and play fate points to invoke aspects, from the high concept of your character to situational bonuses. The true clever part is how aspects cover almost every possibility in play, providing mechanical weight to describing how things happen without weighing down the game with a ton of rules. Fate points provide a nice way to limit character power, and compels, where a negative aspect is invoked against the character by the GM, create drama in the moment and fuel the fate point economy.

I can't say that I want to run Fate, but like a set of hex keys ever game collection should have it.