A review by readingwithhippos
Stripped by Zoey Castile


This was my first stripper romance! So entertaining, it kept me from white-knuckling during the long plane ride on our recent trip to the UK. Robin and Fallon meet over a laundry mixup involving a star-spangled thong, and the flirty fun that follows is just what you’d expect from a meet cute like that. I wasn’t expecting, however, the conflicts that arise between them. I assumed her family wouldn’t be cool with his career, or she would be jealous of his clients, but Castile takes the story in a different direction and I loved that. There’s nothing formulaic about it. You’ll forget you’re reading a book about a male stripper and a teacher and just be sucked into the story of two people who genuinely like each other trying to reconcile their differences and make things work. And audio is a great choice here if you’re too shy to flash that ab-licious cover around in public, but also because the voice actors are perfectly cast and really bring the chemistry.