A review by readbydusk
Cricket Hunters by Jeremy Hepler


With spells, rituals, incantations and Cel's practice of brujería, this book brings something different than the usual horror story. I liked the brujeria aspect of the story and how other characters dismiss Cel's beliefs as it felt like a realistic depiction. I thought the flashback interspersed with the present story successfully sheds light on the mystery and gives an added dimension to the characters' relationship with each other. The ending is really satisfying with no loose ends.

As much as I was pulled along by the plot, I had a hard time connecting with the characters. I found Cel, her husband Parker and their friends to be really unlikable which I don't think it was meant to be that way. Also, these are purely personal issues but I'm not a fan of the cheating trope and animal cruelty, both of which feature quite prominently here. While I was ultimately fine with the former as it served the story, I thought the latter is unnecessary and soured my enjoyment of the book.

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for a review copy.

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