A review by minsies
Hämärän markkinat. Nettirosvot, nettipoliisit ja sinä, by Misha Glenny


This book is a mess, and it's only getting the second star because I find the subject matter interesting.

I realise that trying to find a timeline for the book would've been difficult, but this thing jumps all over the damn place (in both time and space) that it's difficult to follow the various threads of the story. There doesn't really seem to be a central character in all of it, which would've helped - even the focus on DarkMarket is muddied by the way Glenny sets it up in the context of other carder sites.

It also doesn't come to any particular conclusion; it is more of a 'here is a thing' book than a 'here is a thing and how it affects you' book (whatever the subtitle on the edition Goodreads picked says). There is very little practical information for the average person.