A review by mello_cra02
Salad Days: Vol. 1 by Via Lactea, 静水边 木更, Jing ShuiBian


(This is a review for the whole story)


I can't find the words to describe how heartwarming and soulful this was. The pace of the story resembles a slice of life with characters growing up from childhood to teenage years to youth. The outlook is quite positive, characters face obstacles, but you still know things will turn out right; their family and friends are supportive and there’s nothing really sad happening. This might not be everyone’s cup of tea, however, I truly enjoyed that optimistic view of life.

Kids pursuing impossible dreams, forming life-long friendships, falling in love, and growing up are basically the plot of the story. It could be considered YA, although the last chapters show them as adults exploring their sexuality. I must add that the smut scenes were incredible with the right amount of sweetness and spice