A review by nessreads11
Waking Up Married by Lisa Suzanne


4 “Buttercup” Stars

Waking Up Married is a fast-laced, low drama and enjoyable read.

Emily has just suffered a breakup and to get her mind off that, she is now accompanying her best friend on a trip to Vegas. And her best friend so happens to be the younger sister of the older brother Emily has crushed on forever. And in her eyes that’s all she’ll ever be to him, his little sister’s best friend.

Adam is a member and the guitarist of the band MFB. He isn’t your typical playboy rockstar. He’s sweet, funny and had me swooning and smiling nonstop. He’s just an overall good guy.

On a drunken night in Vegas Emily and Adam wake up married. Both don’t remember the night before or the events that brought them to marrying each other. Now, Emily is thrown into the spotlight with the guy she’s had a crush on for a long time and is developing serious feelings for, but at the same time who she doesn’t really know. But as Emily and Adam try to navigate through their marriage, they start getting to know each other better and Adam starts developing real feelings for Emily. And who knew that that one drunken night in Vegas would’ve been the beginning of a true and promising romance.

Waking Up Married was an accidental/fake marriage, best friend’s older brother and rockstar romance that was a lighthearted and fun read. Emily and Adam’s story was sweet and brought the smiles. It was also a treat getting to catch up with the other members of MFB. All in all a very solid read.

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book*