A review by kathryn__
Confessions of an Heiress: A Tongue-in-Chic Peek Behind the Pose by Paris Hilton, Merle Ginsberg, Jeff Vespa


Ok, I'll admit, when I was young I loved Paris Hilton.
Reading this book now is infuriating.
Everything she says is a contradiction, bamboozling young girls into aspiring to be this unreachable type of 'perfect' female that, for example, can only eat greasy food or caviar but God forbid you get a spot because, and I quote, "Perfect skin is a birthright." BUT! Next minute she's saying not to eat caviar because that's what people expect you to do. Also it's for wannabes. Yup.
Furthermore, she preaches the importance of 'ditziness' as it will make you appear adorable and cute cos' HELL NO we ladies aren't allowed to be smart.
Ugh. So yeah, this book sucks and I wish I hadn't paid so much attention to her as a naive girl when I could've spent time actually believing in myself as opposed to trying to live by her bullshit rules.
Rant over, peace out.