A review by subhamroxx
Jupiter's Circle, Vol. 2, by Mark Millar


This was a great book as we have the focus on Sheldon and his wife Jane and their perfect relationship and then a story with George on his own fighting for the common man, being a liberal and all that and that kind of brings the political questions with the superheroes, are they just tools of the govt and the other one is a story about how he finally joins the team again only to find what Walter did with Sunny and the big fight and his crescendo into becoming a villain and then a story about the breakup of Jane and Sheldon because weird reasons and coming full circle with the prelude, its an alright volume and like just fills up the gap of Jupiter's legacy. While I liked the first volume this one was meh and poor and had just characters acting out wonkily just because plot demanded it and Skyfox was not wrong tbh and it also brings some flaws of The Utopian into the forefront, also the art felt a bit rushed and not that good.