A review by kdf_333
Bitch Planet #6 by Valentine De Landro, Taki Soma, Kelly Sue DeConnick


i liked the story although it didn't have enough...like had Meiko been in prison since that incident???
and the teaser on the back "Eleanor lives!" i so want to know what that is about.

i liked the essay and the interview.

i had never heard of schemas before but it explains people's natural bias. and that model she did of just 1% difference in promotion between men and women being hired at the same time is like whoah. i bet the difference is higher for POC.
the problem i see is that soooooooooooooooooo many people deny they have natural biases. Calling them schema might help folks come out of denial, actively fight against them, and retrain their brains.

the vagina molds just made me laugh. i am amazed they are against the law in Japan. Japan is where they have fine dining restaurants with naked women you can eat off. i just don't get it. then when she said the thing about not even being allowed to say vagina on tv but they can say penis it made a lil more sense. still weird though that they would actually send her to jail for such a thing. also i find it weird that she wants to do molds of her very own vagina and sell it as art but whatevs.

i haven't read the collected Bitch Planet, Vol 1: Extraordinary Machine yet. i might do that just to read all of them at once and get more of an over all feel. there is so much they just hint at in this world. normally i don't like novelizations of comics but in this case i seriously wouldn't mid because i would hope to get more details.