A review by itsjusttrish
Priceless by Devyn Sinclair

Did not finish book. Stopped at 60%.
I just CAN'T with the book. I knew going in that the FMC was heavier and therefore it'd be a main topic.. little did I expect for it to be the only topic.. 

I'm tired of reading about it at this point. It's all they talk about. It's getting boring af, there has to be more to Ocean than this.. 

I was literally so excited for this book and it's such a let down. Not only do we get a parrot of Ned Fulmers "My Wife" line every 3 paragraphs, we get no energy or passion between the main characters at all. I can hardly believe they like each other further than biology because they never talk about more than surface level things or Oceans weight.. 

I wanted to love but just can't.