A review by condygurl
Project ELE by Rebecca Gober, Courtney Nuckels


Project ELE is a page turner. We meet Willow who is in a shelter with her father and her younger brother and mother. I immediately fell in love with her younger brother because he just sounded so adorable. What happens next is a family’s worst nightmare. Willow, her father and mother all receive and accepted stamp on their passports but her younger brother does not, so the family decides that Willow and her father would go inside and they mother and brother would remain outside and hope for the family to be re-united in 3 years after the project is over. I can say that the author did an amazing job at character creation because I so wanted to scoop Sebastian up and run off with him to protect him from the evil nurses and government officials. The same can be said for all the characters they all seem so very life-like.

The story continues with Connor and Claire and Alec meeting Willow and becoming close friends. They start to adjust to their new lives in the shelter and then they discover that strange and unusual things are going on in what is there new home.

If you like stories where the characters start getting paranormal powers and a bit of a mystery of who is behind it you will love the story.

The only thing I didn’t like was how the book ended. I thought it was a bit abrupt of an ending. I do recommend this book for YA and Adult readers alike.

Details/Disclaimer: Review copy was provided to me in exchange for a fair and honest review. The free book held no determination on my personal review.