A review by simplyenchantingbooks
One Night with a Duke by Sandra Masters


One Night with a Duke is set in 1800s London and is the fifth installment of The Duke Series. In this novel we focus on Raven and Samantha, both widows. But Raven, years later, still mourns for his lost wife and unborn child; whereas Samantha feels mostly freedom, but also has a secret she’d rather keep hidden about her two week marriage.

Unfortunately, I was underwhelmed by this novel. I love historical romance novels and at first I had high hopes because the beginning was faced-paced and intriguing, but after that it just tapered off. Very little about the characters or plot really interested me and more times than not they just bugged me.

One of the things that really got me was the characters openness with each other on extremely personal matters. After meeting someone for the first time there are just some things you don’t talk about. Raven and Samantha were too open with each other for my liking and it made their romance feel like it was being forced along.

With all that being said, the novel wasn’t a total bust. The batter back and forth between Raven and Samantha was actually amusing, the first couple times, after a bit it did get old. And after the seventy-five percent mark (because I was reading the kindle edition) it did pick up and kept my interest until the end of the novel. My mind was blown by the last portion, but at the same time waiting until seventy-five percent of the novel is done to get the reader's attention is...unacceptable?

**This novel was sent to me by Netgalley. All opinions are honest.