A review by trish204
Batman/Elmer Fudd Special #1, by Lovern Kindzierski, Carrie Strachan, Tom King, Lee Weeks, Byron Vaughns


Here's the deal: Brad told me about this and about the fact that Tom King is supposed to be a god among comic book writers. I didn't know who Elmer Fudd was by name but the little guy made me think of the hunter from Looney Tunes who always tries to get Bugs Bunny. Here's the kicker: HE IS.

Yep, folks, you read that right: they mixed Batman with Looney Tunes. Pretty crazy. Crazy enough to get me interested. And since this is a one-issue-comic only, I decided to spend tonight giving it a shot.

The story? Simple: A noir version of Elmer Fudd is in Gotham to hunt a noir version of Bugs Bunny. He, in turn, swears that while he did what Elmer Fudd is hunting him for, Bruce Wayne made him do it. So Elmer Fudd hunts Bruce, meets Batman and ... well, I won't tell you how it all ends.

As a bonus, we get a Looney Tunes backup story that features some DC characters written by Tom King and which actually made me chuckle (yes, I enjoyed it more than the actual comic).

The artwork in the Batman/Elmer Fudd Special as well as and the backup story's artwork by Byron Vaughns was pretty good. The former was very appropriate for a noir crime story, the latter was the typical style you'd expect from Looney Tunes.

But the story itself ... too simple if you ask me. Maybe the writer just wanted to have some fun by combining two unlikely worlds, I don't know, but I need a bit more substance to my comics, even if they are just meant to be some silly fun with nods to classic characters.