A review by thebookishpersuasion
Bath Tangle by Georgette Heyer


I absolutely adored this book. It tells the story of the recently orphaned Serena, a tomboy with a temper who is used to living independently, and her change in state when her father passes. Forced to change her lifestyle, she goes to Bath with Fanny, her stepmother who is the same age as her, with her funds under the protection of the suitor she formerly jilted, Lord Rotherham. While in Bath, she reconnects with an old flame and becomes engaged, but after that, everything goes up in flames as jealousies and mismatched relationships cause all sorts of wonderful bedlam, leaving Serena with the person who fits her the best of any man.

The characters, especially Serena and Lord Rotherham, were three dimensional and so engaging. The story was laugh out loud funny but sweet at the same time. I rooted for Serena and Lord Rotherham the whole time and found their strong tempers and wills to make them even better together.